Rules and Regulations

of the

    Deeside Agricultural Association

Banchory Show CHP No. 80/482/8000


 Rule I -The Society shall be called THE DEESIDE AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. The objects of the Association shall be to encourage the breeding, rearing, fattening, etc., of Farm Stock, by holding Shows and granting premiums; to encourage the reading of papers and lectures on subjects connected with Agriculture (practical and scientific); and generally to promote the prosperity of agricultural matters in the district. It shall promote education on environmental issues and take country to town to promote rural life. The association is specifically a non-profit making organisation and any surplus shall not accrue to the benefit of the members but shall be used for the furtherances of the associations aims or given to a suitable organisation holding charitable status.


Rule II - Membership of the association shall be open to all on payment of the annual subscription. An annual subscription of not less than £12 shall entitle a person to be a member of the Association. Juveniles 16 years and under can become a member for an annual subscription of £6, but if exhibiting livestock shall pay a subscription of not less than £6.

All exhibitors must be members of the Association, and all persons exhibiting stock for the first time must pay their subscription of £12 to the Secretary before the Show but not later than 3 p.m. on Show Day.


Rule III - That the Annual Membership shall be paid yearly on Show Day and not later than the 31st August, and any person wishing to resign from membership of the Association must give notice of their intention to do so to the Secretary by letter on or before the Annual General Meeting in December.

Rule IV - That one GeneralMeeting shall be held at Banchory on the Second Wednesday of December at 7.30 p.m. or at the next suitable date,at which meeting the election of Office-Bearers shall take place and other business of the Society be transacted.

Rule V – 
That the management of the Association shall be under the direction of a Committee consisting of an Honorary President, a President, a Vice-President, a Junior Vice-President, a Secretary and Treasurer, along with certain other members to be chosen at each Annual Meeting, and five members of the Committee shall be a quorum. The President shall be Convener of the Committee, or in his absence the Vice-President; or in his absence the Junior Vice-President and in the case of the absence of the President, Vice-President and Junior Vice-President the majority of the members present shall elect a Chairman from their own number, and have the power of conducting the whole affairs of the Association. The decision of the Committee, for the time being, shall in all cases be final and binding on all members of the Association.


Rule VI – That six members of the Committee shall retire annually, but are not eligible for re-election until one year has elapsed. The Committee shall have power to nominate an Honorary President and a President for the ensuing year previous to Annual Meeting, and if willing to accept office, they shall be duly elected at the Annual Meeting.


Rule VII – That a list of such Premiums as the Society shall think proper to offer shall be printed and circulated amongst the members in each year, classed under the several heads, together with the Rules and Conditions of Competition.


Rule VIII - That the Premiums to be given by the Association shall be proposed at the General Meeting, and the time and manner of adjudging and distribution them shall, on the same occasion, be determined and fixed, unless these duties shall be entrusted by the General Meeting to the Committee


Rule IX – That no animal, except Horses and Ponies, shall be allowed to compete in two classes of Premiums offered by the Society except in the same Section of the Premium Book.

Rule X - All Cattle must be from accredited and attested Herds and no stock -  including Cattle, Horses and Sheep -  that have not been bred by the Shower will be allowed to compete unless they have been the property of and in the possession of the Exhibitor not later than 1st June in the year of the Show. All entries must be lodged with the Secretary not later than SATURDAY 6thJULY 2024 on forms which can be downloaded from the show website


Rule XI - That if any person shall be found knowingly and willfully competing for or claiming any of the Premiums offered by the Association contrary to the existing regulations, they shall forfeit such Premium, and it shall be in the power of the Committee to erase their name from the list of members. All such unclaimed or forfeited Premiums will be added to the general funds of the Association.
All protests along with a payment of £50 (returnable if complaint is upheld) must be lodged with the Secretary, in writing, within one hour after each Class has been judged, except in the case of protests on the ground of fraudulent entry, which may be lodged within one month after the Show.


Rule XII - That the Stock intended for competition be in the Show Stance on the day of the Show at or before 9 a.m., and if behind that hours will not be allowed to compete, and no Stock shall leave the ground until after the Parade. Exhibitors are requested to see that their Stock is brought into the ring at the proper time.

Rule XIII - That Stock which has not been in the Shower’s possession before it is four weeks old shall not be entitled to compete for prizes as bred by the Exhibitor.


Rule XIV - That in fixing the Classes in which Stock may be allowed to compete the age of the Stock be reckoned from the 1st of September, and can only compete as the Stock of the proper year. A year-old, however, may compete as a two-year-old, or a two-year-old as a three-year-old, but no Stock will be allowed to compete twice for the same class of Premiums, except Aged Bulls, Cows, Roadsters and Shetland Ponies, and Ewes and Rams. The Dentition or Teeth Test will be applicable in the case of one and two-year-old Cattle.

Rule XV - That no member shall be entitled to exhibit any Diseased Stock, and if any member shall bring forward Diseased Stock to be exhibited on the Show Ground, he shall forfeit and pay a penalty of Twenty-Five Pounds, to be applied to the funds of the Association. No animal will be admitted to the Show out of a Stock where disease has existed during a period of Two Months previous to the Show.

Rule XVI - That the Members of Committee are vested with power to detain from entering the Show Ground any Stock they may suspect until satisfaction is given that it is clear of all disease. 

Rule XVII - All MV Accredited Stock MUST be accompanied by appropriate certificate.

Rule XVIII - That a winner of a Cup or similar Trophy, other than the absolute winner, shall, before delivery thereof is made to him, give security to the Association that he shall return the same to the Secretary in as good condition as he received it, not later than 31st September 2024.


Rule XIX - That the Premiums shall be paid to the owners of the Prize Stock at the Annual General Meeting or sooner if the Secretary and Treasurer think fit.


Rule XX - That the Show be held this year at King George V. Park, Banchory and Beltcraig Showfield on Saturday, 27th July, 2024.


Rule XXI - The Parade of Prize Winning Animals will commence after ALL the Judging is complete.


Rule XXII - The Committee accept no responsibility for any accident caused by competitors, horses, or vehicles entered for the Sports.

Notice to Exhibitors

If you wish a float for your animals to and from the Show, or to share one with another exhibitor, the Secretary will be glad to assist in arranging for it, if you let them know when you send in your Entry Form.


All stock must be in the showgrounds for judging to com­mence at 9 a.m. prompt.


The Special Prizes given by the Association, the President’s Prizes, and the Presentation Prizes are to be competed for only by animals shown in the ordinary classes of the Society for 2024 Show.

£25 shall be given to all new exhibitors to Banchory Show in the Cattle and Sheep Sections.